Hearing Aid Fitting Procedure

Hearing Aid Fitting Procedure

Hearing aids can immensely help patients with hearing loss recover their quality of life and self-esteem. These devices amplify the sound vibrations that enter the ear, allowing the hair cells to pick up the amplified vibrations and convert them into electrical signals that can be transmitted to the brain. 

If you have taken a hearing test and chosen your hearing aid device, you must visit their audiologist for a proper fitting. This process will help determine the setting adjustments needed, help you with any questions you may have, and ensure the device is optimally working. 

At Advanced Audiology Care in Old Bridge, New Jersey, we will make sure to clear any doubts that may come up and guide you through the hearing aid fitting process.

Before Your Hearing Aid Fitting

Before your hearing aid fitting, your audiology specialist might perform a hearing evaluation and ask about your medical or family health family history. Knowing about your lifestyle and family can help determine the extent of your hearing loss and choose the appropriate hearing device for you. 

Your audiology specialist may perform multiple painless and quick tests, including the following:

Having a hearing assessment before your hearing aid fitting will make sure your hearing aid device is carefully chosen based on your needs. Once this is performed and the order for your selected device has been filled and has arrived in the office, your doctor will schedule an appointment for your fitting.

The Process of Hearing Aid Fittings

We recommend attending your fitting with a family member or close friend to help you remember all the information provided. During your appointment, your doctor will customize your hearing aids to match your prescription. 

Once that’s done, you’ll be expected to put your hearing aids in place and communicate any adjustments you desire. The ultimate goal of this appointment is to achieve the best possible listening experience with your hearing aid. 

During your first fitting, you will also be given details on:

  • How to use your hearing aids properly
  • How to put them on and remove them safely
  • How to change the hearing aid batteries
  • How to clean and care for your hearing aids

Choosing the Right Hearing Aid

Selecting the appropriate hearing aid for you will depend on multiple factors, such as the extent of your hearing loss, your visual ability to handle small adjusters, and the environments you frequent. 

Considering these aspects and your hearing specialist's suggestions, your hearing aid device may range from the following options:

Behind-the-ear (BTE)

A BTE hearing aid hooks over the top of your ear and sits behind the ear. This type of hearing aid also:

  • Has directional microphones, which are designed to minimize background noise
  • Is appropriate for all ages and almost any kind of hearing loss
  • Can amplify sounds more than other styles
  • Is available with a rechargeable battery

In-the-ear (ITE)

In-the-ear hearing aids:

  • Can help patients with severe hearing loss
  • Have directional microphones, which are designed to minimize background noise
  • Have volume controls
  • Are more noticeable than other smaller devices

ITE hearing aids are custom-made in two styles: one that fills most of the bowl-shaped area of your outer ear (full shell) and one that fills only the lower part (half shell)

Receiver-in-canal (RIC)

Similar to a behind-the-ear hearing aid, a receiver-in-canal has a speaker or receiver near the ear canal. However, this type of hearing aid uses a small wire instead of tubing. Receiver-in-canal hearing aids also:

  • Are less noticeable than other styles
  • Have manual control options
  • Are equipped with batteries

The Importance of Follow-Up Appointments

Scheduling follow-up appointments with your audiologist every six months to a year to check on your hearing aid devices can make them last longer. These appointments will guarantee optimal functioning since all repairs and thorough cleaning will be left in the hands of an expert. 

Common causes of hearing aid problems include moisture, earwax, accidental damage, battery issues, improper storage, and unsupervised repairs. We suggest the following tips to avoid these issues:

  • Wash your hands and dry them thoroughly before putting them on. 
  • Avoid alcohol, solvents, and harsh solutions to clean your hearing aid. Instead, only use a dry cloth for cleaning. 
  • Change your hearing aid wax guards monthly.
  • Place your hearing aids safely in their carrying case every night or when not in use to avoid accidental damage.
  • Clean your ears regularly with a gentle earwax removal solution.
  • Remove the battery at night and store it safely.
  • Avoid contact with hairspray or make-up since these solutions could seriously damage your device.
  • Leave all repairs to an expert to avoid accidental damage.
  • Schedule follow-up appointments with your audiologist every six months to a year.

By following these tips and visiting your audiologist constantly, you’ll be able to care properly for your hearing aid devices and help them last many years.


Having a hearing aid fitting before you start wearing them will help you adjust any settings that need to be changed in order to achieve the best results possible. Also, regularly visiting your audiologist will guarantee the optimal functioning of your devices. 

Hearing loss can significantly affect not only your communication skills but also your ability to socialize and live an optimal quality of life. If you or a loved one are dealing with hearing impairment, don’t hesitate to ask for help. A hearing screening will help you determine the root cause of your issue and whether you are a candidate for a hearing aid.

Hearing Aids in Old Bridge, New Jersey

​​Advanced Audiology Care provides hearing tests using state-of-the-art equipment paired with noise-canceling headphones to obtain accurate results. Our comprehensive hearing evaluations include tympanometry, pure tone, bone conduction testing, and speech recognition testing to assess auditory function accurately.

Reach out to us to request an in-office comprehensive hearing evaluation and consultation. 

If you need a hearing aid, contact Advanced Audiology Care at (848) 257-5521 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Fan for a hearing evaluation. You may also request an appointment online.

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