Hearing aids can significantly improve the quality of life for people dealing with hearing loss. Just like other electronic devices, hearing aids may give trouble occasionally.
Common causes for hearing aid problems include moisture, earwax, accidental damage, battery issues, improper storage, and unsupervised repairs.
At Advanced Audiology Care in Old Bridge, New Jersey, we offer hearing aid repairs, professional cleanings, and earwax removal. Dr. Fan will help you keep your hearing devices in the best shape possible.
However, before you visit your audiology expert, here are some tips on how to prevent damage to your hearing aid devices.
If you're using hearing aids, it's important to remember to wash your hands and dry them thoroughly before putting them on. Dirt and moisture can seriously mess with the tiny microphone on your hearing aids and make them less effective. Taking a quick trip to the sink and giving your hands a good scrub before putting on your hearing aids will help them last longer.
If you want to keep your hearing aids in perfect state, it's important to remember to remove them before you shower, bathe, or go for a swim. Also, make sure to keep them far away from any moisture when you are not using them.
Remember not to leave them in your bathroom! Moisture and condensation could damage the microphone, so be sure to keep your hearing device nice and dry.
Using your hearing aids with clean hands can significantly extend the lifespan of your hearing device. Wipe them down daily with a soft, dry cloth to help remove any trapped dirt from it.
Note that alcohol, solvents, and harsh cleaning solutions can damage your devices. Avoid using these solutions and only use a dry cloth for cleaning.
Changing your hearing aid wax guards monthly is another way to keep your hearing aids clean. Ear wax can be collected in the wax guards which can compromise your hearing aids’ performance. Change them monthly or whenever you notice your hearing aid stop working, sound soft or intermittently fades in and out. Always change the wax guards first before contacting your provider for support.
If you have pets or small children in your home, make sure you keep your hearing aids out of their reach. Place your hearing aids safely in their carrying case every night or when not in use.
This will help prevent any accidental damage and keep your hearing device in good working order. And if you tend to lose things often, keeping them in their case will help you keep track of them more easily.
Your hearing device could end up seriously damaged because of earwax. How can you avoid this?
For starters, you should use alternatives to cotton swabs or Q Tips for cleaning your ears. Not only can they push wax deeper into your ear canal, but they can also damage the delicate skin inside your ear. Instead, opt for a gentle earwax removal solution.
Change the hearing aid wax guards monthly. If you noticed you had to change them more than twice within a month, then you should have a provider clean your ears out for you. At Advanced Audiology Care, we offer multiple options to prevent and remove earwax buildup.
When you use hearing aids, it's crucial to keep them dry and free from moisture. One of the best ways to do that is by leaving the battery compartment open when you're not using the device.
This will help any moisture that might have built inside the device to escape, keeping your hearing aids in the best shape.
When the weather is rainy or humid, we recommend using the special drying aid from your audiologist.
One of the most common issues with hearing aid devices is clogging. This could be from earwax, dust, moisture, makeup, or hairspray.
If you're not careful, hairspray and makeup can seriously mess with the microphone input and volume control switch on your hearing aids.
Make sure to put your hearing aids on AFTER you've finished using hairspray or applying makeup. This will help prevent any stray particles from getting inside the device.
If you use makeup and hairspray regularly, we recommend cleaning your hearing aids more often.
As with any other electronic device, hearing aids can break down over time. While it may be tempting to try to fix these issues yourself, it is essential to resist the urge. In fact, attempting to repair your hearing aids without the necessary knowledge can result in permanent damage.
Besides, using inappropriate tools and materials during the repair process can lead to further damage. For example, using a screwdriver or oil on your hearing aids can cause irreversible harm to the internal components.
Trusting an expert to handle your hearing aid repairs will ensure your device's safety and effectiveness and provide you with peace of mind.
Managing your hearing aids battery with care can help you extend its lifespan and power intensity. When you are not using your hearing aid for a prolonged period, remove the battery and store it safely. This will help prevent corrosion and damage to your hearing aids caused by battery leakage.
Also, avoid storing your device in extreme temperatures since this can damage the batteries. It's also essential to remember to keep the plastic tab from each battery pack when you're ready to use it. This ensures that the batteries remain fresh and have the maximum amount of power when you need them.
Schedule follow-up appointments with your audiologist every six months to a year to check your hearing aid function and performance, fix any problems, and get a thorough cleaning.
Proper maintenance of your hearing device can make them last many years and protect your financial investment.
Advanced Audiology Care provides hearing tests using state-of-the-art equipment to obtain accurate results.
Our comprehensive hearing evaluations include tympanometry, pure tone, bone conduction testing, and speech recognition testing to assess auditory function accurately.
If you need a hearing aid, contact Advanced Audiology Care at (848) 257-5521 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Fan for a hearing evaluation. You may also request an appointment online.